This is a day for children, by children, all over the world to help save children’s lives, fight for their rights and help them fulfil their potential.
See EventsWhat is Children's Day?
It’s about a fun day, with a serious message, when kids ‘take over’ high-visibility roles in media, politics, business, sport and entertainment to shine a light on the most pressing challenges faced by their generation. It’s about lots of events all over Ireland celebrating this.
November 20th is an important date as it is the date in 1959 when the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. It is also the date in 1989 when the UN General assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This is a day that is all about the importance of children and how they have special rights and freedoms that help them to grow into happy, healthy adults.
Organise a 'take over day' for a child to take over an adult's role in your school, business or community. Or maybe organise a fun event celebrating childhood and children's rights. Our flagship event is the 'Child Talks' event in Dublin City Hall which will be broadcast in schools around Ireland on November 20th, organised by the Ombudsman for Children's Office.
See Events”Protecting, supporting and caring for children is my mission and the mission of my Department. Everyday children are faced with poverty, war and terror. Since 1954 World Children’s Day has served as a reminder to the world that this is illegal and wrong. In Ireland we have taken a lead in treating children as equals and giving them a voice. They have a say on the policies which impact on their lives. However I know there are still many challenges. Today I pledge as an Independent Minister to continue using my voice to ensure all children can expect equality and fairness, no matter what their background or family circumstance.
Katherine Zappone T. D.Minister for Children and Youth Affairs